Mother's Day events

Raise money in the lead up to Mother's Day by choosing one of these fundraising initiatives to run your school

Host a Mother’s Day extravaganza as a fundraising event, setting up a special event for mums. The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started.

Pamper evenings

Giving mums the opportunity to indulge themselves is a recipe for success. Popular treatments include facials, manicures, pedicures, Indian head massages, Japanese face massages, Reiki, hair styling, reflexology and eyebrow shaping. Book reputable therapists who will spend a couple of hours at your event for a fixed fee, while you charge a small amount for entrance and refreshments, plus a cost per mini treatment. Remember therapists will need their own Public Liability insurance cover. The time between sessions can be spent browsing stalls from local businesses, and, to give the evening a focus, some PTAs also arrange a beauty/fashion-related talk or an auction of products and vouchers. As well as involving local companies, try approaching big names such as Virgin Vie or Avon. If they can’t come along on the night, they may be willing to donate raffle or auction prizes.

Top tip: Give each stallholder/therapist a bin bag so you don’t spend hours clearing up.

Fashion shows

Fashion shows are a fun way of boosting PTA funds while giving mums the chance to stock up on clothes for the whole family. There are various fashion-show companies such who will come to your school, bringing good quality clothes with a mix of labels from the UK and Europe. They also bring everything you need for the night, such as music, PA and compere. Just recruit a troop of clothes-horses happy to strut their stuff for around 45 minutes. You can raise money by selling entry tickets, and you will also earn a decent commission on sales, but this can be boosted by adding a raffle, and, of course, refreshments (showing off is thirsty work!).

Top tip: Make sure you have standby model volunteers in case anyone gets cold feet!

Cooking party

You may think mums do enough cooking already, but a cooking party is a chance to sit back and watch someone else do the hard work (while the PTA fundraises!). Once the demonstration is over mums can take part in cooking-based fun and games, usually arranged by the consultant. All products used in the demonstration are available to buy with around 10-15% of the sales going to the PTA. Well-known names in the market include Jamie at Home and The Pampered Chef.

Top tip: Ask to see any commercial company’s Public Liability insurance to ensure they have adequate cover for their involvement.

Shopping evening

Boden, The Body Shop, and even Tupperware (yes, it’s back!) are among the big names who will help your PTA hold money-spinning shopping evenings. Offer mums a glass of wine, to add to the occasion (check out the licensing requirements if your PTA is offering alcohol). These evenings offer discounts as well as a chance to touch/smell/try the products. It’s also an opportunity to invite smaller local businesses in too, selling anything that might appeal on Mother’s Day. Or you might find some talented parents among your number who’d like to take a stall selling home-made bags, jewellery, scarves, canvases and so on. Agree a fee for the table or for a share of profits made on the night. Bear in mind that the more variety you have, the more mums will come along.

Top tip: If you have to store any merchandise overnight check your insurance.

Chick flick night

If you have access to high quality audio-visual equipment, then running a ladies-only film night can be profitable and enjoyable. Many films are available just 10-12 weeks after cinema release through companies such as Filmbank Distributors Ltd. They will arrange the licence you need under copyright law, which can cost from £83 (excl. VAT) or 35% of your box office takings.

Top tip: Increase your profits by selling popcorn and other related merchandise.

NOTE: Concerned about upsetting children who don’t have mothers in their lives? Encourage children to use the occasion to thank anyone special to them – it isn’t restricted to just mothers. We would suggest you take advice from your headteacher if you are in any doubt.


Further ideas and step-by-step guides

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