About us

PTA+ is the home of school fundraising

PTA+ is the home of school fundraising

Supporting PTAs to plan successful events, raise funds and run their associations

We have published PTA+ magazine since January 2011. In addition to the website and magazine, PTA+ has an active social media presence. PTAs can connect to one another though our Facebook group, local Facebook county groups and through X (formerly Twitter). More than 20,000 PTA members access our social accounts.


A time-saving income generation toolkit for school business managers

Launched in 2016, FundEd features a comprehensive range of proven income generation solutions. FundEd equips schools with the tools they need to raise funds quickly, develop new fundraising skills, and build resilience for the future.

FundEd provides:

  • FundEd magazine: relatable case studies, peer written advice and the latest grants and funding initiatives. Sent out once a term.
  • PTA+ magazine: three issues a year full of timely fundraising ideas and inspiration from the experts at PTA+
  • Grant funding advice: identifying funds and writing successful bids
  • Grants database: featuring over £6m-worth of grants specifically aimed at schools
  • Partnerships advice: how to identify potential business partners and form a request for support
  • Crowdfunding advice: expert guidance to help schools run a successful campaign
  • Funding alerts: half-termly email newsletters featuring grants and seasonal ideas.

Child Safe Zones

A service which has gone from strength to strength, providing a nationally recognised lost child service to shopping centres, town and city centres, beaches and visitor attractions throughout the UK and Ireland.

Community Inspired

Community Inspired is a social enterprise: a business that aims to support society through its trading activities. We focus on helping PTAs, families, and schools, and we reinvest our profits to benefit the communities we serve. We are committed to providing excellent information and services and collaborate with leading organisations in all sectors. Our technology partners comply with the highest security standards and codes of practice to ensure safety and reliability.

For more information, please contact us:

Community Inspired Ltd
Unit 2, Bulrushes Farm
Coombe Hill Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 4LZ

Email: info@pta.co.uk
Tel: 08700 624919
Fax: 08712 637752

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